The underrated UK seaside town people are snubbing famous city 21 minutes away for

The underrated UK seaside town people are snubbing famous city 21 minutes away for

EXCLUSIVE: Barry in Wales has undergone a surge in the value of property thanks to a successful rebrand and impact of the show Gavin and Stacey0001-01-01 00:00:00Z{"id":"","title":"The underrated UK seaside town people are snubbing famous city 21 minutes away for ","primaryLink":"","links":[""],"updatedOn":"0001-01-01 00:00:00Z","publishDate":"2024-05-27 06:00:00Z","summary":"

EXCLUSIVE: Barry in Wales has undergone a surge in the value of property thanks to a successful rebrand and impact of the show Gavin and Stacey","copyright":"","categories":[]}
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